Metarhizium anisopliae strain Bt.-Ma.05 (=BCC-305)
Beauveria bassiana strain Bt.-Bb.03 (=BCC-403)
Contains at least 2.5 x 10 CFU of Metarhizium anisopliae and 2.5 x 10 CFU Beauveria bassiana per gram of commercial product.
ATROPOS is a microbiological insecticide formulated with a consortium of spores of two selected and exclusive strains of endophytic fungi and biological control agents, Metarhizium anisopliae Bt.-Ma.05 (=BCC-305) and Beauveria bassiana Bt.-Bb.03 (=BCC-403).
Atropos is a consortium of two selected strains of endophytic fungi and biological control agents with insecticidal action.
The first has a toxic strategy using osporeins and invades the host. While the second has a growth strategy with the formation of appressoria and invasion of the host. This makes the effect for biological pest control greater.
In both cases, the fungus-insect host relationship occurs through the adhesion and germination of conidia on the surface of the insect, followed by the penetration of hyphae through the cuticle.
The host colonization process begins after penetration, the hyphae become thicker and branch within the tegument and hemocoel of the insect, forming blastospores.
The hyphae grow and invade various internal organs after the death of the host, they will subsequently emerge from the insect body and produce conidia that spread and infect other individuals.
M. anisopliae and B. bassiana, not only depend on insect infestation to spread, but also survive as saprophytic fungi, as well as plant endophytes.
A mutualistic relationship is established with the plant, supplying the plant with nitrogen obtained from insects and receiving carbon from the plant as a product of photosynthesis.
In soil-directed applications with a backpack sprayer, it should be applied at and around the base of the plant. It can also be applied by drip irrigation system or micro-sprinklers. In foliar applications with a backpack sprayer or aerial spray equipment, always aiming to direct the application to the site where the pest is located.